22 Years

Katie Bodager • Sep 11, 2023

Jesus Changes Everything

On this morning twenty-two years ago, Jesus changed everything for me. I was twenty-one years old.

At 14, I became the prodigal daughter. Oh, how much I thought I knew about life. I was a deep well of insecurity, but simultaneously full of adolescent pride. I didn't know what I was looking for at the time. But I had to go find it - somewhere else and/or in someone else. As long as I can remember, I had a relentless sense that I was made for some grand adventure ... a great love story that was worth something. I couldn't bear to live another life. The longing was too excruciating. And so, I went searching.

Seven years later, I found myself with heartache so deep that I suffered a significant mental and emotional breakdown. I couldn't run anymore. My first call, as I walked across U.K.'s campus was to my mom. My parents welcomed me back home and cared for me like a young child. I didn't deserve this love, but they gave it to me anyway. In every way they knew, they offered me the ring and the robe described in Luke 15.

But even so, little time passed before I realized that I desperately needed something beyond what any man could provide. The emptiness remained.

Less than a year later, after a gradual return to independent living, I woke up in my small campus apartment. I turned on the T.V., as I did each morning before heading to class, and I was overwhelmed by footage of the horrendous tragedy of September 11, 2001.

I can't explain what happened next, as I watched the footage alone in that little apartment living room. But I wept as I heard the voice of God. It wasn't audible, but it was equally clear. It was a deeply personal invitation. These are the words I heard from the Lover of my soul:

"I have great plans for your life, child, but you must decide. Will you walk in the light or will you walk in the darkness? I need you to choose."

None of my years of searching could accomplish what the voice of God did in a few moments. And yet, He had been there all along. That's who He is. He is the One who relentlessly loves us and calls us Home.

That morning, I said yes to God and to His purpose for my life. I've never been the same, and every good fruit that has been born through my life is most assuredly because of my Savior, who came for me that day, in undeniable love and power, and rescued me from the pit. He set my feet upon a rock.

There is only One worthy of our complete devotion. There is only One who can give us the unfailing love and eternal purpose for which we were created, and there is only One who can fill us with the kind of love and power that can sustain us through all things and can change the world forever.

There is nothing, nothing, nothing like being loved by Jesus.  Remember Him today. Remember your own history with Him. Remember that He is to be the One above all else in our lives. As we seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, He will be faithful to give us everything we need and so much more. It's who He is.

Grace and peace to you, friends. May He be the King of our hearts forever.

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